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Start: 1898  
End: 1964  
Place: Gouda  
Zuid Holland, NV, Koninklijke Plateelbakkerij 

PZH, Plateelbakkerij/Pottery Factory Zuid Holland had a lot of prestige in the world of goudsplateel/Gouda Pottery and hired the best designers. Mark/backstamp: the little house, Lazarus Gate, Zuid Holland, Gouda or Plazuid, PZH. Jumping deer, Holland or De Duif (= pigeon) Den Dolder.

Made first pottery similar to Rozenburg , this (less refined) glossy glazed pottery was marked with a “P” of “Porcelain-decor”, after 1907 New Porcelain-decors (NP) by W.P. Hartgring, where softer colours, less details and hatches disappeared, after 1910 & on mat glaze. Similar also to de Porceleyne Fles. Developed a tougher kind of pottery, possibilities for more sharp corners and thin ears/handles.

In 1909 'Damascus (meant for export, in Holland itself also a success)' ceramics, before glazing applied blue, green and beige french lilies in combination with geometrical motifs. Gouda Factory Zuid Holland characterised itself in the 1920s with mat-flower and mat-bird decorations. Their real trade mark was decor “Rodian”, pre-burn painting technics: pottery first glazed and backed, than painted with coloured glaze, by backing the second time the glaze layer and painted decorations melt together.

In the beginning of the 1900s, dinnerware with simple geometrical decor. In 1912/13 some freakish colourfull designs by Colenbrander. The Modern Decorative Art Department was founded in 1924 to create modern pottery items, together with Jansen van Galen, De Lorm, Muller (hollow-ware with stereometrical models/shapes, like checkers decor dinnerware), Jaap Gidding (decorative art pottery freakish and expressive), Chr. van der Hoef (figures & Art deco dinner sets), Jan Schonk (figural cover pots), connected with the avant-garde in the Dutch Decorative Art. Since (+/-) 1922 black as ground colour in stead of green. The name 'Plazuid' was used since 1928 for more affordable industrial (handmade more standard simple) produced earthenware.

Because of the strike in 1928 Arnhem Faience factory backed for this Gouda factory. Received the title Royal in 1930. In 1930-35s produced crisis ceramics, sprayed art glazes, no more expensive handmade decorations & print/transfer decorations. Animal and human being figures/sculptures & cover pots (by Jan Schonk  & Chris van der Hoef) were very popular in the 1920/30s, real art for a few quid. Touched up flower decors since 1938. Before 1945 dinnerware/kitchenware was made of feldspar pottery. Semi-porcelain since 1962.

 L.A. Breetvelt, L.A. Bogtman, T.A.C. Colenbrander, J.W. Gidding, D. Harkink, C.J. v/d Hoef, W. Jansen, H.J. Jansen van Galen, C.J. Lanooy, Etha Lempke, C. de Lorm, L.J. Muller, C.J. van Muijen, L.A. Iseger, J.T. Schonk, Amp Smit, T. Verstraaten, P.C.C. Wiegman, W. Hartgring


Pottery factory Zuid Holland, Gouda figures/sculptures. Zuid Holland, Gouda vases, mat glaze decor on white background.
Zuid Holland, Gouda vases, high gloss decor on black background. Art Deco green mat glaze Zuid Holland vase with Gero tin/pewter mounting, 1933.